Beaver Island Rural Health Center
Emergency/Ambulance Call 911
(Important 911 Instructions Here)
Non-Emergency 231-448-2275
37304 Kings Highway – Directions
We are open Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 5 PM by appointment
24 hour urgent care available
Holidays Hours – The Health Center is closed on the following holidays:
Free Dental Check Ups for all school age children
February 27 & February 28
Career Opportunity
Services Coordinator
Subsequently, we have an opportunity for a compassionate, detail-oriented, multi-tasker to become part of a dedicated healthcare team in a unique, remote, rural practice.
This is a full-time position with benefits for the right candidate who adapts quickly and has exceptional interpersonal skills. Applications due by 5:00pm, Friday, February 28, 2025. For the full Services Coordinator position description and additional details, click below
2 Board of Directors Vancancies
The Beaver Island Rural Health Center invites applications and nominations to serve on its Board of Directors.
Read complete information at View Details
Applications due March 25, 2025
Board Meeting
Board of Directors Annual Meeting
April 4, 2025 4PM
will be held at the
Beaver Island Rural Health Center
37304 Kings Hwy, Beaver Island, MI
Organizations Empower the Rural Health Center to Respond
Wherever the Need is Greatest
By making proactive donations, the Beaver Island Coffee Company, the Beaver Island Retreat, the Whiskey Point Brewery and the Wild Strawberry Cafe ensure the Rural Health Center is prepared to carry out its mission to provide high-quality, cost-effective patient treatment and wellness services as the primary care facility to the Beaver Island community.
These four corporate citizens join 15 other community businesses who support the Island medical center. The Board of Directors of the Rural Health Center gratefully acknowledge their support.
Support Beaver Island Rural Health Center
OUR MISSION: To provide high-quality, cost effective patient treatment and wellness services and to serve as a primary care facility to the Beaver Island community.
OUR VALUES: The Beaver Island Rural Health Center (BIRHC)
- Believes that access to high quality-healthcare is a basic community need, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.
- Adheres to practices that promote financial integrity and accountability.
- Provides services with care, respect, and sensitivity for patient’s needs and seeks always to have the patient’s trust.
- Is dedicated to and complies with medical best practices
- Reflects in its board membership the Island’s diverse community
OUR VISION: BIRHC accommodates expanding demand for medical services, including accredited emergency care, community education programs, prevention and wellness activities. The Center is staffed by a team of family practice physicians, nurse practitioners, and technicians who provide primary care to most year round and seasonal residents. Basic financial stability is secured by reliable local funding, growing state and federal funding, and community contributions and income from the Center’s endowment. The Center is highly networked with other Northern Michigan medical organizations –collaborating and sharing resources. BIRHC professional administrative staff works in partnership with a dedicated Board and community leaders to make sure programs and services are aligned with community needs and resources.