Strategic Plan
2023 – 2028 STRATEGIC PLAN
Revised October 2023
Mission: To provide high-quality, cost-effective patient treatment and wellness services, and continue
serving as a community anchor institution and primary care facility for Beaver Island residents within the available financial resources.
Vision: The BIRHC welcomes expanding demand for its primary and urgent-care medical services, community education and prevention programs, and wellness activities.
The Center is staffed by a team of family practice physicians, nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants and technicians who provide primary care to most year-round and seasonal residents.
Financial stability is supported by reliable local funding, strengthened state and federal funding, philanthropic and community contributions, and income from the Center’s endowment.
The Center networks with other Northern Michigan medical organizations, collaborating and sharing resources. BIRHC’s professional staff works in partnership with Board and community leaders to make sure programs and services are aligned with community needs and resources.
- Access to high-quality healthcare is a basic right, regardless of a person’s insurance or financial status.
- Adhere to best practices that promote financial integrity and accountability.
- Provide services with compassion, respect, and sensitivity, seeking always to have the patient’s trust.
- Dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of our community with a commitment to best medical practices.
- Reflect in its board membership and the center’s employment practices the Island’s diverse population.
- Provide high-quality healthcare
- Continue and expand services as feasible
- Ensure financial stability
- Promote and participate in community emergency preparedness
- Assure appropriate staffing levels and requirements
- Cultivate key relationships and enhance community communications, trust and confidence
- Establish a system of data review and analysis for projection of future needs
- Address leadership succession
- Financial Committee: Develop a 5-year plan of budget projections and research future funding options.
- Community Outreach and Communications Committee: Develop and implement a method of regular community information, education, and awareness, and an invitation for reciprocal communication.
- Executive Committee of Board of Directors/Management: Develop leadership succession and transition plans.
- Executive Committee of Board of Directors/Management: Maintain or develop relationships with Regional, State, and Local organizations as needed for the sustainability of the Center’s operations.